In our first session we will explore what has brought you to counselling and how you hope it may help you. If appropriate, we might explore your current situation in more detail, what you are struggling with, how you currently cope and any past experiences you feel have impacted you. Together, we will begin to develop an understanding of what you need and what you hope to achieve.  The first session is often called an assessment session, and whilst this may sound quite daunting it simply means that it is an initial session to discuss and assess whether counselling could be helpful to you at this time, or whether there are other options which may be more suitable or supportive. You are under no obligation to continue receiving counselling sessions after this session and you may need time to think about whether is is right for you.

What can I expect from my first session?


What is Counselling?

My Counselling Approach

Counselling provides a safe and confidential environment for you to discuss any problems you are facing and difficult feelings you are experiencing in your life.  People seek counselling when they want to change something in their lives, or simply explore their thoughts and feelings in more depth. As a counsellor, I respect that you are the expert in your own life and that your experiences are unique to you. Therefore I will not provide advice. Instead, I will encourage you to talk about what's going on for you in order to uncover any root causes and identify your specific ways of thinking. I will then support you in finding ways to reconcile your difficulties,  express your feelings and make changes in your life where appropriate. 

Each session is tailored to your needs and what you find is most helpful.

The world of therapy can be somewhat confusing, there are lots of titles for people who provide talking therapies such as counsellors, psychotherapists and psychologists. There are also lots of theories and approaches that therapists may utilise. However, research suggests that it is the quality of the relationship formed rather than the approach that matters most.

I describe myself as a Trauma Informed Integrative Counsellor.

But what does that mean? 

I am a Qualified Counsellor who originally trained in person-centred therapy. Person centred counselling is rooted in the belief that, given the right conditions, a person can reach their full potential and become their true self.  This is known as 'self actualisation'. As a person-centred counsellor I will help you to realise what resources and support are available to you that you can use to work through your own issues, build your self-confidence and appreciate that you always have options. I will treat you as the expert on yourself, as no-one else knows exactly what it’s like to be you.

I offer a non-judgemental space, no matter what you bring to the session. This ensures we can build a trustworthy relationship in which you can feel free and supported to disclose whatever is troubling you. Eventually it will lead you to discover your own abilities and autonomy, so that you can cope with current and future problems.

Since qualifying I have expanded my practice through training and experience and incorporated a number of other theories and tools in to my work. These include  CBT skills, solution focused techniques, EMDR therapy, compassion focused therapy. What this means is that throughout our work together I may draw on these theories or ways of working. For example if you were struggling with your self esteem due to feeling a lot of shame, I may suggest we use some compassion focused tools. Or if you were experiencing nightmares I may suggest keeping a diary so that these could be explored in our work together. 

Each person is individual and unique and therefore I aim to tailor your counselling to suit your needs and your unique situation. What one person finds helpful another may not and therefore I feel it is important to be flexible. 

Finally being Trauma informed means that i understand and recognise that traumatic reactions are normal reactions to abnormal experiences.  Trauma-Informed counselling is grounded in an understanding of and responsiveness to the impact of trauma, that emphasises physical, psychological, and emotional safety for everyone, and that creates opportunities for survivors to rebuild a sense of control and empowerment

Face to Face Counselling Sessions - 50 minutes 

Hertfordshire - £60 per session

North London - £60 per session

Online / Telephone Counselling Sessions - 50 minutes

£45 per session

EMDR Sessions (Face to Face) - 60 - 120 minutes 
£75 per session

Birth Reframing Sessions - 60 - 120 minutes 

£75 one off session (£60 thereafter)

Reduced rates are available in some circumstances. Please contact us to discuss.  

I am a recognised provider with health  insurance companies including Bupa, AXA PPP, Aviva, Cigna, Vitality Health and WPA. Fees for clients with insurance differ from above. Please contact me for details.